Monday 5 August 2019

Back to the drawing board

Its been a while since I had the urge to write something. Had all but forgotten that the blog existed.

I am who I am and I have come to terms with this fact at my ripe old age.  Touching 50 soon, though these are not those days when one feels old this soon, but I guess I have my moments, like a lot of other people.

I don't care much about what people think anymore these days, I'm told it 'happens with age'.  I'm also told 'age is just a number', yes, I truly believe this! The last two years of my life have been terrible, yet wonderful, I have loved to love myself, have loved to be a single parent to a teenager, have loved to be answerable to no one.  Terrible because I suffered, unable to share my life with someone, terrible because I had to let go of a lot of people from my life, terrible because of all the financial hardships.

All in all though, I am a winner, I have a great child, I have a wonderful, emotionally supportive family, I have learnt to heal myself, I have learnt to be a positive person and if the compliments are anything to go by, I am looking better now that I ever did, 'a curious case of Benjamin Button', so I'm told.

Life isn't always good and it shouldn't be either, how else does one learn to cope otherwise.  But after the harrowing couple of years, I want it to be good and I want nothing more.  My subconscious says I will have a better life, the way I want it and it will be so.

Will keep you all posted.

When you have a partner who is an unconscious bully, you learn new coping mechanisms daily.  Giving in is not me anymore, it takes more to bow me down.  Been there, done that, over it now, fight it out, else will always live with regrets in life.

Enough now, let the story unfold slowly... 

'Change your thoughts and you change your world'
-Norman Vincent Peale

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