Friday 21 October 2011

Just another day

Not really sure what to write today, but definitely have the urge to write.  So here goes nothing ...

I have recently taken up a new job.  Feels good to be back in the working scene once again.  A sabbatical of over 8 years, where I spent time looking after my family and spending a lot of time with friends, I didn't think it would be easy to get back into the 9 to 5 job routine.  Surprisingly though, I am actually enjoying spending this time out of home.  My job entails meeting people all day long, some talk a lot, some don't, its nice how time passes quickly on a busy day.

I, along with my family moved back to England after 6 years of stay in India.  I was missing my life back in India, my friends, my family, etc.  My girls were enrolled in school and college respectively and they started settling in.  On the other hand, I was at home watching t.v., cooking like there's no tomorrow and feeling miserable.  My days in India were spent mostly with traipsing around town with friends, shopping, movies, lunches, breakfasts and many more activities.  I was the so-called 'lady of leisure', yet here I am with abundant time in hand, but no friends around me to enjoy that time with!!  Thus my reason to go hunting for a job.

Precious time .. Time flies when you do something that you enjoy doing.  I am indeed enjoying my work at the moment, but I am missing India still.  It takes time to make friends and losing them all at one go wasn't something I was looking forward to, yet I did!  Being social comes naturally to me, thus being away from my friends have taken its toll on me.  At times making me think, that perhaps I would like to return to India again.  But seeing my children settling in so well, makes me change my mind instantly.  Living in a limbo, that's exactly what I am doing at the moment.  Keep telling my mind to take over my heart, but my heart seems to be running havoc in my life right now !!

My job, my only solace.  Thanks also to the modern technology, I am still atleast in touch with my friends.  The best feeling is to know that you are as much missed as you are missing.  Each day through the messages on facebook and blackberry, I realise I am missed as much !

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