Friday 23 December 2011

Hahahaha .. Fart!!

Though I laugh to start with, but how does one conclude this .. actually forget concluding, how does one continue this ?? Is it possible to write this without offending anyone, I hope so !

I was standing in the Bank, when a smart looking foreign woman let out a fart, oh the smell!! Disgusting!! and I thought to myself, hello, I am the curry eater here, what makes you fart so bad ? The rest of us in the queue shifted around, I waved the documents in my hands around my nose, to keep the air fresh. But I imagine she must have been mortified, yet the young woman stood there as if nothing happened.

Farting is something we all do, but I dont think I will ever be able to do it in public. I do know of people, who let go at the slightest opportunity! A nook or a cranny and they let it out, I am surprised to think, how is it that I do not get the slightest pressure to pass one out ?? My bathroom, my sanctuary, this is where I would let go, be myself!

Last night was the second time I heard someone sharing there experience about farting while having sex. My dear friend said that she let out a fart while making love to her husband.  Now her experience was that she laughed so hard about it, that the moment passed and love making went flying out the window.  On the other hand another experience says that the moment was erotic as one felt privy to the others private moment.  Each to their own I guess. As for me, well lets just say I'd probably be highly embarrassed if something like it happened to me.

A Belch is just one gust of wind,
That cometh from thy Heart...
But should it take the downward trend,
It turns into a Fart 

God help me if I were to let one out !

Friday 21 October 2011

Just another day

Not really sure what to write today, but definitely have the urge to write.  So here goes nothing ...

I have recently taken up a new job.  Feels good to be back in the working scene once again.  A sabbatical of over 8 years, where I spent time looking after my family and spending a lot of time with friends, I didn't think it would be easy to get back into the 9 to 5 job routine.  Surprisingly though, I am actually enjoying spending this time out of home.  My job entails meeting people all day long, some talk a lot, some don't, its nice how time passes quickly on a busy day.

I, along with my family moved back to England after 6 years of stay in India.  I was missing my life back in India, my friends, my family, etc.  My girls were enrolled in school and college respectively and they started settling in.  On the other hand, I was at home watching t.v., cooking like there's no tomorrow and feeling miserable.  My days in India were spent mostly with traipsing around town with friends, shopping, movies, lunches, breakfasts and many more activities.  I was the so-called 'lady of leisure', yet here I am with abundant time in hand, but no friends around me to enjoy that time with!!  Thus my reason to go hunting for a job.

Precious time .. Time flies when you do something that you enjoy doing.  I am indeed enjoying my work at the moment, but I am missing India still.  It takes time to make friends and losing them all at one go wasn't something I was looking forward to, yet I did!  Being social comes naturally to me, thus being away from my friends have taken its toll on me.  At times making me think, that perhaps I would like to return to India again.  But seeing my children settling in so well, makes me change my mind instantly.  Living in a limbo, that's exactly what I am doing at the moment.  Keep telling my mind to take over my heart, but my heart seems to be running havoc in my life right now !!

My job, my only solace.  Thanks also to the modern technology, I am still atleast in touch with my friends.  The best feeling is to know that you are as much missed as you are missing.  Each day through the messages on facebook and blackberry, I realise I am missed as much !

Tuesday 9 August 2011


Why Londoner Ilish ??? The name was suggested by a friend and it appealed to me, as I am in the process of making Ilish-er Biryani this weekend !!No reason for me to choose the name otherwise.  But I do have to find out the reason behind my friend's suggestion though.  Writing is not my forte, after some of you have read my blog you might not want to return again, but its an attempt at writing.  Please pardon me my grammatical errors and punctuations marks.

My English teacher though always appreciative of my essays in school or the contents of it, never really could give me the full marks for it as my grammar and punctuations sucked !!!   A very mediocre, less than mediocre student at most times, she was always wondering where I got stories from.  My mother, in order to teach my younger brother and I bengali in our younger days, got us hooked on to reading 'Betal' i.e. Phantom comics in Bengali.  The reading habit became an addiction soon and everything I found readable, was read up.  All magazines and comics that came into the house was in Bangla, my mother made sure of that.  Thus my awesome essays came to the notice of  my English teacher !!!

Ilish, as we all know, is the king of fishes, where the Bengali's are concerned.  A friends husband, an excellent cook, had the other day cooked up some Ilish Biryani, the pictures of which she put up on the net.  Me being a foodie, had to try cooking the Biryani !! Well still haven't been able to try my hand at it yet, but the coming weekend seems to be a good time to try it.  My mother makes wonderful Ilish-er bhaape which is my favourite.  Another favorite of mine is the Ilish with potatoes and eggplant, courtesy me!  Ilish is and always will be my favorite fish. 

Keeping it simple and writing from my heart is not always easy, but I will try.  Happy reading or boring, please let me know :)